This blog is a place for me to share what I've learned about TESOL, and specifically what I've learned about using computers and technology in language learning. I will use this blog as a space to share ideas, projects, and resources for language learners and language teachers.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Post

I've actually been meaning to start blogging again. Lately, I just haven't been entirely inspired, or haven't found the time. However, I'm currently taking an online class through St. Michael's College called Computer Assisted Language Learning. It seems like it will be very interesting. I haven't had much experience using technology in my own language learning or teaching, but I'm excited to see the many different ways computers and online resources can be used. Especially in learning other languages, the internet is great because there are so many people with different linguistic backgrounds all in the same environment. Distance is diminished and communication can connect people from opposite sides of the world.

I will be using this blog as a place to share what I've learned in this course. I will also post links to CALL materials and resources I investigate.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that it is informative and interesting!

1 comment:

Christine Bauer-Ramazani said...

What an interesting blog entry, Stephanie! Thank for reconstructing our conversation and for sharing the link to Language-8. This is definitely a great tool for our young adult learners, who are very much into social-networking and interacting with everyone around the world.
I look forward to more materials on your blog that you can share with your classmates and me as well as with the rest of the world.
Could you outline what other interactive spaces/tools you are planning to add in the next five weeks?
Thank you, Stephanie!